
Dear users of my site "Inspiration-for-glass",

I am glad that you like my page about designing with colored glass.

You are welcome to use all my patterns, suggestions and instructions both privately and commercially. Build one of my glass objects or use the suggestions for your customers.

All downloads are free of charge for you !

Make yourself or others a joy and if you want to make me a joy - just use the opportunity here with a small donation to say "thank you". Even 5,- Euro help me enormously. Do you use this page commercially or do your customers use this page and does this page generate additional revenue for you? Then consider whether this is worth something more to you - is in any case a well invested support. Of course I use 100% of your support for the development and implementation of new ideas and patterns.

Thank you very much to all supporters and have fun with your glass design !

You can support my work via the Paypal donation button:

Donate with Paypal:        


or you can send me an e-mail and I will give you my bank details:

I will be happy to send you an invoice for the amount paid. Please let me know then your contact details by email:

T H A N K  Y O U for your support.

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to donate Euro €
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